To read records from a mysql table in python we can use the below code. Please refer to my previous post for the table structure and records inserted into the table in sql-inserting-records-into-mysql-table post. To connect to mysql database from python MySQLdb library is used. You can refer the post on how to install MySQLdb here.
#!/usr/bin/python import MySQLdb dbconnection = MySQLdb.connect(host = "localhost", user = "username", passwd = "password", db = "pydatabase") cursor = dbconnection.cursor() sql = "select * from pytable" cursor.execute(sql) for record in cursor.fetchall(): print record
on running the program it fetches all the records from the table pytable and loads into a cursor. With a for loop the records are printed. The output of the above program is displayed here.
(1L, 'Snikers', 'CH',, 8, 5), 100.0) (2L, 'Galaxy', 'CO',, 1, 1), 200.0) (3L, 'Butterfinger', 'CN',, 8, 5), 150.0)
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