To read records from a mysql table in python we can use the below code. Please refer to my previous post for the table structure and records inserted into the table in sql-inserting-records-into-mysql-table post. To connect to mysql database from python MySQLdb library is used. You can refer the post on how to install MySQLdb here . #!/usr/bin/python import MySQLdb dbconnection = MySQLdb.connect(host = "localhost" , user = "username" , passwd = "password" , db = "pydatabase" ) cursor = dbconnection.cursor() sql = "select * from pytable" cursor.execute(sql) for record in cursor.fetchall(): print record on running the program it fetches all the records from the table pytable and loads into a cursor. With a for loop the records are printed. The output of the above program is displayed here. (1L, 'Snikers' , 'CH' ,, 8, 5), 100.0) (2L, 'Galaxy...
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